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  • Writer's pictureGlorious Raine

Take a Mental and Physical Break

Updated: Jan 20

Remember That Rest is an Important Element in Managing Productivity

Glorious Raine's Sleeping Bitmoji

When your body speaks Listen!

I’m going to make this one short and sweet.  Almost two years ago I had one of my Epiphany of Maturity moments when my body and mind spoke to me.  I woke up, went to work (I only work about 4 hours a day), came home for all of about one hour and then ran errands for about two and a half with all the energy in the world. That is until I got home from running my errands and just completely crashed!


My mind and especially my body said “STOP! don’t just sit down, LAY down!” Now this was about 5pm which meant that I would be taking an early evening knap, something I am not a fan of because I end up sleeping too long, which then causes me to want to stay up later than I should at night. Even still I knew that when I am exhausted like that I have to listen to my body and rest.


So that is what I did, rested, and I am glad that I did. While I was not full of energy and ready to take on the world, my mind was no longer foggy, and I could function throughout the evening. That allowed me to get just enough work done to feel like I accomplished something, and I know that wouldn’t have happened if I had not rested.


So, I am here to tell you or rather remind you not to let your goals, plans or everyday activities get in the way of taking care of yourself.  See the below articles “Remember to stop and Breathe” and Create Your Own Bliss by Finding Your Flow for more insight.  Remember that it is okay to take a break, we can often forget that, but when my own body screamed at me, I received the message. I hope you do to. I’ll end this message in the illustrious words of one of my favorite characters Madea and other Matriarchal women in the families of some people I know by saying: “Go somewhere and SAT down!”




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