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Raine's Place Bookspace

 LYLT Expressions Print - On - Demand Product Line

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*Author* *Artistic Creator*


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Owner of LYLT Expressions Creative Arts Company

Promotor of *Ways to NjoyPeace*

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Who is Glorious Raine? It's a Great Day to Be Yourself and “Myself” is who I am all day every day.  It is my hope that you are Yourself ALL Day Everyday too.  Welcome.   I see you have landed on my biography section, thank you for taking a rest here and for allowing me into your head space through visiting my website.  Since you are here let me tell you a little about me.  There are many parts of me; I am more than just one thing.  I do not define myself as “just a” anything, no, I am a very versatile person who can adapt to many different atmospheres and move fluidly through the present moment.  I am an Author, Artistic Creator and the owner of LYLT Expressions Creative Arts Company.  I have over 25 years of experience working with children, teens, and young adults in several different capacities with a primary focus on the early childhood and Pre-school age groups.  I hold two associate degrees: one in Early Childhood Administration and Management, and one in Organizational Management, both from Rio Salado Community College. 


What Qualifies Me?   I have held positions as a Preschool Teacher (where my pen name "Raine" originated, little ones have a hard time saying Lorraine), Afterschool Counselor, Private Sitter, Independent Care Giver, and a Registered Behavior Therapist for children with Autism.  I have a passion for dance that started as a youth growing up in Massachusetts where my adolescent years were spent as a student at the local dance studio.  There I trained and performed in several genres of dance moving from student to teacher.  Years later as a wife and Stay-At-Home-Mother in Arizona I founded “The Joy of Dance” which was in operation from 2010-2015.  As the Creative Director of “The Joy of Dance” I mentored children, youth and adults as a Dance Instructor, Choreographer, Dance Ministry Leader, and Soloist.  That experience inspired me to draft and self-publish my first book: "The Ballet & Jazz Dance Dictionary, a Compilation of General Terminology and Technique" in 2022.  “585!  The Number That Changed Our Lives” is my latest self-published non-fiction book derived from my experience of raising a child with Type One Diabetes and my time as a volunteer with the Phoenix Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (Known today as JDRF).  As a JDRF volunteer my time was spent as a member of the Advisory Board, mentoring families with newly diagnosed children and managed my Family “Walk to Cure Diabetes” team alongside my husband.  In addition, I've served as a Moderator on their social website “Type 1 Nation” and as a Coordinator for their local family centered conferences. 


As an Author I promote ways to "NJoyPeace", a Love for self, and Nourishment for the Soul through my website and online presence.  I write and speaks about a variety of topics and share honestly and ethically from the heart and personal experiences.  In May of 2023 I had the honor of being featured on "LET'S TALK ABOUT IT WITH PAULETTE HENSON" and in the September 2023 edition of the literary magazine "The Author's Lounge" published by Paulette Henson of the "Black Women's Authors" group (BWA).  I had the pleasure of being a judge in the "Chapter One Writing Competition" hosted by Michelle Jackson of the "Black Writers Workspace" (BWW) in the summer of 2023, and from February 2022 through May of 2023, I was an avid writer on  You will find my work on on my  "NjoyPeace" publication and as a guest writer for several other publications.  Though I do not publish on a regular basis I still write the occasional article on the platform. 


My spare time is spent indulging in activities that help me “NjoyPeace”.  In those moments one will find me watching a good TV show, painting, using PenUp to draw, indulging in adult coloring, or reading.  I see myself as a GLORIOUS Dragonfly because I am an inspirational creature whose joy, lightness, wisdom, maturity, and poise promotes a change in perspective.  This is why I chose the dragonfly as a symbol on my signature card and “Glorious” as part of my pen name.  They resonate with who I am.   My life is my own and I do not follow the crowd on purpose, I spend my time doing the things that I love while also doing the things that are necessary for everyday living.  This is why I started my bio stating that: “there are many parts of me, I am more than just one thing”.  This understanding is me being myself and I end this bio by reminding you that:​


“It’s a GREAT Day to be YourSelf”, doing otherwise is just too stressful and takes away from your ability to NjoyPeace.

Glorious Raine

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